We're welcoming parishioners who recognize the value of our Live-Streamed Masses to all the shut-ins, those away at college and visitors, and who would like to volunteer to serve as alternates. Our system is very simple, using our own cell phones we can provide a good quality video experience to our viewers. No technical background is needed
Blessed Sacrament (St. Bernard's & St. Matthew) have six parish ladies from young adult to retired who provide livestreaming (see photos) 7 days a week, plus funerals and Holy Days.
We're hoping to have 3 or 4 alternates to begin with just to share the Livestreaming of one Sunday Mass. Chris has been doing this 50 Sundays a year since the Pandemic began, with Marc as an alternate. Having 3 or 4 more volunteers to rotate with would give us a more solid footing.