Life in today's world presents many new and unique challenges. The goal of our St. Joseph Parish Media Center is to equip and inspire parishioners and visitors to grow and be leaven with whom they live and meet in their daily lives.
The Book Rack / Meda Center is located in the main foyer of the church. The wide variety of books, and other items are either free or priced below online prices.
** Please also Visit the "Growing In Faith" Tab to the left for personal renewal every day. United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults is an adaptation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and it is presented to Catholics of the United States.
It is our hope that this United States Catholic Catechism for Adults will be an aid and a guide for deepening faith. It may serve as a resource for the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) and for the ongoing catechesis of adults. It will also be of interest for those who wish to become acquainted with Catholicism. Finally, it can serve as an invitation for all the faithful to continue growing in the understanding of Jesus Christ and his saving love for all people.
Abandonment to Divine Providence: The Classic Text with a Spiritual Commentary by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R
Classic Catholic book of spirituality, compiled in the 1700s as a series of retreat conferences, reads like it was written last week. Jean-Pierre de Caussade, a French Jesuit spiritual director and writer born in the late seventeenth century, is best known for his belief in the sacredness of the present moment, or the "eternal now." His masterpiece, Abandonment to Divine Providence, has been celebrated by spiritual writers as Fr. Benedict Groeschel for its ability to invoke the mystery of eternity in the now--a tenet of spirituality that resonates across faith traditions.
Accompanied by the probing, expert commentary of Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R., this exemplary edition of de Caussade's Abandonment offers newcomers to Catholic mysticism and spiritual direction a clear, compelling path to entering into God's presence. The Desert Fathers: Saint Anthony and the Beginnings of Monasticism
An engaging, inspiring history of the early Church as seen through the monastic movement, -
St. Anthony of Egypt, and the early monks. 131 pages.
Reed Of God – Caryll Houselander
First published in 1944 and now a spiritual classic for Catholics across the globe. In the world as it is, torn with agonies and dissensions, we need some direction for our souls which is never away from us; which, without enslaving us or narrowing our vision, enters into every detail of our life. Everyone longs for some such inward rule, a universal rule as big as the immeasurable law of love, yet as little as the narrowness of our daily routine. The Joy of Believing Paperback – October 17, 2023
by Madeleine Delbrel (Author)
As a convert from atheism Madeleine Delbrêl -- now a Servant of God -- arrived near Paris in 1933 with "no secrets and nothing to hide," as she put it. Her only desire was to live in unconditional openness to the gospel and to become a true neighbor to those living near her (Amazon)
Take Five: On the Job Meditations with St. Ignatius
Build your career while you build your faith by discovering the balance and insight of one of history's greatest workers--St. Ignatius--founder of the Jesuits. Literally designed and written to be used in short breaks from work, there are three prompts following each meditation to help you apply St. Ignatius's teaching to interpersonal issues, stress, office politics, goal setting, moral issues, and more. Great resource for all of us living in today’s world.
Four Witnesses
What was the early Church like? Contrary to popular belief, Rod Bennett shows there is a reliable way to know. Four ancient Christian writers--four witnesses to early Christianity --left us an extensive body of documentation on this vital subject, and this book brings their fascinating testimony to life for modern believers. With all the power and drama of a gripping novel, this book is a journey of discovery of ancient and beautiful truths through the lives of four great saints of the early Church--Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus of Lyons.
Like The Way, the handy pocket-sized Furrow is the fruit of St. Josemaría's rich interior life and extensive experience as a pastor. Aphoristic and perfect for meditation, Furrow was written in order to encourage and ease personal prayer and inspire prayerful action in daily life. These 1000 points for spiritual reflection are directed toward the whole human person: body and soul, nature and grace. With the skillful hand of an experienced and holy priest, St. Josemaría interweaves the divine and human and helps you see how to bring them into harmony in your own life.
"In Delbrêl’s writing, one encounters a radical and refreshing Christian evangelism—the beautiful scandal of charity without compromise. All who strive to imitate Christ in today's atheistic culture will find here a wonderfully rich source of inspiration."
— Margaret Turek, S.T.D., Author of Atonement: Soundings in Biblical, Trinitarian, and Spiritual Theology
"This book is a real treasure trove. Madeleine Delbrêl shows us how to pray right at the heart of the contemporary age, with all its pressures and distractions."
— David C. Schindler, Editor, Communio: International Catholic Review; Professor, John Paul II Institute
Engaging and challenging spiritual mentors speak to us in our contemporary world.
This book is the perfect companion for those who like to keep the company of those who have gone before us. Father McCloskey offers hope to anyone who thinks that sainthood is an impossible quest. The Great Adventure Catholic Bible
Every book of this Bible is color-coded according to The Great Adventure Timeline™ Learning System. Each color corresponds to a period in salvation history, so you know where each book fits within the overall story. Twelve Timeline charts provide a visual overview of each biblical period, including:
important characters, key events, geography, major covenants, world rulers, and contemporary events in secular history. Includes 16 full-color maps
Twenty-one articles guide you through the story and explain how to read and understand the Bible. Seventy Key Event call-outs provide a brief description of the milestones in the biblical narrative. These tools make this Bible easy to read, easy to follow, and easy to remember.
If you want to understand Sacred Scripture and be transformed by the Word of God, then this is the Bible for you.
The Medium Size Edition of the St. Joseph New American Bible, revised edition includes the complete Old and New Testaments in readable type. Its user-friendly (5-1/2" x 8-1/8") size; flexible, durable paper cover; and handy edge-marking index make this St. Joseph Student Edition ideal for schools, CCD, and study groups.
Noteworthy Features:
Learning about Your Bible Section
Self-Explaining Maps in Context
Holy Land Photographs
Chronology of the History of Israel
Complete Footnotes and Cross-References
Bible Dictionary
Sunday Readings Listing (3-Year Cycle) Catechism of the Catholic Church - compact size
Over 3 million copies sold! Essential reading for Catholics of all walks of life, and the first new Catechism of the Catholic Church in more than 400 years, a complete summary of what Catholics around the world commonly believe.
The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the Sacraments, Church tradition, history and teaching, and the lives of saints. It comes with a complete index, footnotes and cross-references for a fuller understanding of every subject.
Using the tradition of explaining what the Church believes (the Creed), what she celebrates (the Sacraments), what she lives (the Commandments), and what she prays (the Lord's Prayer), the Catechism of the Catholic Church offers challenges for believers and answers for all those interested in learning about the mystery of the Catholic faith.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a positive, coherent and contemporary map for our spiritual journey toward transformation.